Radical Anthropology talks 2025:

Language, art, music and culture emerged in Africa over 100,000 years ago, culminating in a symbolic explosion or ‘human revolution’ whose echoes can still be heard in myths and cultural traditions from around the world. These talks are a general introduction to social and biological anthropology, ranging over fields as diverse as hunter-gatherer studies, mythology, primatology, archaeology and archaeoastronomy. Radical Anthropology brings indigenous rights activists, environmentalists, feminists and others striving for a better world together with people of all ages who just want to learn about anthropology.

Radical Anthropology Seminars Spring 2025

Perspectives on human origins: language, body art, hunting and architecture

Jan 14 Chris Knight (UCL) When Eve Laughed: the origins of language

Jan 21 Camilla Power (UCL) Neanderthals, Homo sapiens and the ‘Human Revolution’

Jan 28 Annemieke Milks (Reading) Hunting lessons: how forager kids learn(ed) to hunt

Feb 4 Paulina Michnowska (Newcastle) Notes from the forest – storytelling with the Penan of Borneo

Feb 11 Sasha Farnsworth and Hossein Sadri (Coventry) Architecture meets anthropology: Womb temple – Lunar rebirth

Feb 18 Chris Knight How we got stuck: the hunter Monmaneki and his wives teach Graeber and Wengrow a lesson

Feb 25 Erica Lagalisse in conversation with Chris Knight On anarchist anthropology

Mar 4 International Women’s Week special lecture Christine Binnie Neonaturist body painting: a red RAG to patriarchy

Mar 11 Chris Knight (UCL) On Women and Jaguars: why perspectivism got it so wrong

Mar 18 Kit Opie (Bristol) Primate mating systems and the evolution of language

Mar 25  Ivan Tacey (Plymouth) Serpentine cosmopolitics: a cross-cultural analysis of the Rainbow Serpent

All talks are Tues 6:30-8:00pm LIVE in Daryll Forde Seminar Room and on ZOOM (ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak)

please check out our Vimeo channel for any talks you missed https://vimeo.com/user33365184

Gendered species: a natural history of patriarchy

On Nov 26, 6:30pm at Radical Anthropology we are hosting Tamas David-Barrett on his exciting recent book’Gendered Species. A natural history of patriarchy’ LIVE @UCLanthropology and on ZOOM(ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak) Dr. Tamás Dávid-Barrett is an evolutionary behavioural scientist at the University of Oxford. His science is multi-disciplinary, occupying the overlap between anthropology, […]

Denisovans, Dragon Man and more…

Next week Tues Nov 19, 6:30pm, we have our autumn special with Chris Stringer, world expert on human fossils and main originator of the Recent Out of Africa model for Homo sapiens. Chris will be discussing some of the latest fossil evidence and developments in palaeogenomics, looking at Chinese/E Asia Middle Pleistocene lineages. He is […]

Sea shells, women’s blood and an Andean bioclimatology of water

On Tuesday Nov 12, 18:30 GMT London time, Prof Denise Arnold explores the mutual rearing practices between Andean populations and water, in its different manifestations, as a key life-giving element in their mountainous habitat. Andean animist ontologies recognise how humans and water flow are constituted mutually, through a dynamic relationality, which extends to other aquatic […]

Wild Service–the Human Right to Roam

On Tues Nov 5, 6:30pm at UCL Anthropology Dept, 14 Taviton St, WC1H 0BW, Harry Jenkinson will present the concept of Wild Service: a philosophy of reciprocity with our fellow species, made possible through increased human access to nature. Humans are a nomadic species. For over 95% of our history, we have lived as nomadic […]

Decoding Fairytales: Into the Forest with Red Riding Hood

Sadly we have to postpone the Polyphony Singing workshop with Ingrid Lewis, which we will reschedule next term. Instead we are going to head into the Forest with Chris Knight, and Red Riding Hood, Decoding Fairytales . This will be a LIVE workshop session. Please come on time by 6;30pm to the Daryll Forde Seminar […]

Students in revolt

On Tues Oct 22, 6:30pm (London time) we have a session run by the SOAS Gaza Solidarity Camp LIVE @UCLAnthropology and on ZOOM ‘Students in Revolt: Palestine solidarity organising on campus and the fight against empire’ Rayan, Haya and others will be speaking live in the Daryll Forde room, 2nd Floor, UCL Anthro dept, 14 […]

The Evolution of We-ness

Volker Sommer is Emeritus Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at UCL. He will be speaking in the Daryll Forde Seminar Room, on Oct 15, 6:30pm. Please come early before doors close! To join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak Volker explores the evolution of social behaviour through field-studies of primates in Asia and Africa. Volker […]

The Science of Mythology: ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ and other tales

Sadly we have to postpone our talk with David-Barrett on ‘Gendered Species’. On Tues Oct 8, 6:30pm (London time), Chris Knight will be speaking in the Daryll Forde Seminar Room, from 6pm for start 6:30pm. Please come early before doors close! To join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak. This is his classic […]

The sex-strike theory of human origins

On Tuesday Oct 1, 6:30pm (London time) Chris Knight and Camilla Power will be speaking LIVE @UCLAnthropology Dept, 2nd Floor, Daryll Forde Seminar Room (please get there on time before doors close!). You can also join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak. The first Word was spoken by a woman. It was ‘No’. […]

Did matriarchy ever exist?

Radical Anthropology Seminars return on Tues Sept 24, 6:30pm in the Daryll Forde Seminar Room at UCL Anthropology Dept, 14 Taviton St, London WC1H 0BW. Chris Knight, founder of Radical Anthropology Group and author of Blood Relations, discusses myths of matriarchy, which are found all over the world. Is there any truth in the idea […]


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