Author: Barney Harris

  • /Panel Discussion


  • Felix Padel

    Felix Padel is an activist-oriented anthropologist educated in Oxford and Delhi Universities. His main books include ‘Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Landscape’ (1995/2010), ‘Out of This Earth: East India Adivasis and the Aluminium Cartel’ (with Samarendra Das, 2010) and ‘Ecology, Economy: Quest for a Socially Informed Connection’ (with Ajay Dandekar and Jeemol Unni, 2013).…

  • Kofi Klu

  • Rebecca Sear

    Rebecca Sear is a demographer, anthropologist and human behavioural ecologist, and uses an interdisciplinary approach to understand human behaviour. In particular, she is keen to promote a greater understanding of evolutionary explanations for human behaviour in the social and health sciences. Rebecca works on questions of demographic and public health interest, including fertility, child health…

  • Thea Skaanes

    Thea Skaanes is Managing Curator of the UNESCO collections at the Moesgaard Museum, Denmark. The author of many scientific papers, she has conducted extensive field research into the material culture, social life and cosmology of the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania. Her writing and lecturing has been described as ‘dripping from blood, taboo, darkness, ancestors and…

  • Ivan Tacey

    Dr Ivan Tacey is a lecturer in Anthropology and Criminology at the University of Plymouth. His research interests include hunter-gatherers, animism, environmental relations, globalization, place making, and violence. His long-term research with Batek hunter-gatherers of Peninsular Malaysia explored how interconnectivity, environmental change and socio-political marginalization have led to realignments of these indigenous peoples’ animistic practices…

  • David Wengrow

    David Wengrow lectures at the Institute of Archaeology.

  • Charles Whitehead

    Charles Whitehead was creative director of an advertising agency for twenty years before gaining his PhD in social anthropology at University College London. He teaches anthropology to cognitive science students at the University of Westminster, and is currently involved in brain imaging research on pretend play at the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience. His research…

  • Harvey Whitehouse

    After carrying out two years of field research on a ‘cargo cult’ in New Britain, Papua New Guinea in the late eighties, Harvey Whitehouse developed a theory of ‘modes of religiosity’ that has been the subject of extensive critical evaluation and testing by anthropologists, historians, archaeologists, and cognitive scientists. In recent years, he has focused…

  • James Woodburn

    James Woodburn is the world’s leading theorist on egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies; he has just returned from visiting the Hadza people of Tanzania.