Author: Barney Harris

  • Mark Thomas

    Mark G. Thomas is Professor of Evolutionary Genetics at the Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment at University College London. In 2009 – in collaboration with Prof Stephen Shennan and Dr Adam Powell – Thomas published a study in the journal Science showing that population density and or migratory activity are likely to be…

  • Cathryn Townsend

    I have been doing anthropological research on hunter-gatherer societies since 2009, when I travelled to the Democratic Republic of Congo to work with the Mbuti, who were made famous for their egalitarian social order by Colin Turnbull’s popular ethnography The Forest People. I went on to complete a PhD thesis at UCL under the supervision…

  • Tamara Turner

    Tamara Turner is a final-year PhD candidate in ethnomusicology at King’s College London where she specializes in the Sufi-related musics of North Africa and others considered within popular Islam. Her current PhD research is the first ethnomusicological study of the Algerian ritual and music called diwan. Tamara’s research is funded by King’s College London, the…

  • Helena Tuzinska

    Helena Tuzinska lectures in the Department of Ethnology and Museology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. Best-known for her work in assisting refugees, she is a long-standing member of the Radical Anthropology Group.

  • Michal Uhrin

    Michal Uhrin is a postgraduate student in Social Anthropology at the University of Comenius, Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • Jackie Walker

    Jackie Walker is a black, Jewish activist and author, a founding member of Jewish Voice for Labour, a defender of Palestinian rights, a longstanding campaigner against racism and the former Vice-Chair of Momentum, the left-wing movement in the British Labour Party. Author of the acclaimed family memoir Pilgrim State (Sceptre, 2008), she has recently staged…

  • Dave Robinson

    Dave Robinson lectures in anthropology at the University of East London. He is a specialist in the social life and traditions of the Maori people of New Zealand.

  • Alice Rudge

    Alice is a postdoctoral researcher at UCL Institute of Advanced Studies. She began working with Batek hunting and gathering people in Malaysia in 2014. Her work with the Batek is based on on insights from long-term fieldwork, and focuses on the relationship between sound, aesthetics and ethics. She makes use of an interdisciplinary approach that…

  • Richard Seaford

    Richard Seaford is emeritus professor of Ancient Greek at the University of Exeter. His work on Athenian tragedy and religion has led him to investigate the historical conditions for the radical development of Greek culture in the sixth century BC (sometimes called the origin of European culture), and to argue that a crucial factor in…

  • Paula Sheppard

    Paula Sheppard is a Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.