Author: Barney Harris

  • Rajko Muršič

    Professor Rajko Muršič is a specialist in urban anthropology and especially the anthropology of popular music. His fieldwork has been conducted in Slovenia, Poland, Macedonia and Japan. He is a member of Sensotra, a European Research Council-funded project at the University of Eastern Finland.

  • Yasmine Musharbash

    Yasmine Musharbash is Senior Lecturer in the School of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Australian National University. She has been conducting participant observation-based research in central Australia since the mid-1990s. Her work is broadly concerned with everyday relations, and she has explored this by focussing on embodiments and the emotions (studying grief, boredom, sleep, the…

  • Estelle Orrelle

    Estelle Orrelle has a background in history and Near Eastern Archaeology and has taken part in many prehistoric excavations in Israel. Her Ph.D. dissertation (now being completed at the University of East London) focuses on the iconography of the earliest figurines to appear after the end of the Ice Ages in the Neolithic of the…

  • David Papineau

    David Papineau works as Professor of the Philosophy of Science at King’s College London and also Professor of Philosophy at City University of New York. He was elected President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science for 1993-5, of the Mind Association for 2009-10 and of the Aristotelian Society for 2013-4. He has…

  • Bruce Parry

    Bruce Parry has lived with tribal people the world over and has much to share. In his talks, Bruce reveals what it is like to live with people who exist in a world without leaders, shaman or even competition. He shows us the tools such people use to maintain societal balance, and most significantly, how…

  • Ana Lopes

    Ana Lopes gained her first degree in Anthropology at the University of East London. She completed a Masters degree at UCL, and a Ph.D at UEL on action research in the sex industry. She was one of the founders of the International Union of Sex Workers. She is currently teaching anthropology at UEL.

  • Gary Lupyan

    Gary Lupyan is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2007, he received his PhD in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience from Carnegie Mellon University and conducted postdoctoral work at Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include understanding how human cognition is augmented by language, the effects of…

  • Stephen Lyon

    Stephen Lyon has lived and worked in Pakistani Punjabi villages and cities off and on since 1982 and has carried out longitudinal research in the same northern Punjabi village for more than 20 years. His research integrates social network analysis, context coding, narrative thick description, and different varieties of quantitative and audiovisual data to address…

  • Audax Mabulla

    Dr Audax Mabulla is Field Coordinator of the Archaeology Unit, University of Dar es Salaam and one of Tanzania’s leading archaeologists. His major research interest is in the area of the Lake Eyasi Basin, where the present-day Hadza hunter-gatherers live. In addition to his scholarly research, he is an active champion of the land rights…

  • Kathy Garlow & Mary Sandy

    Kathy Garlow (left) and Mary Sandy are representatives from the Six Nations on the Grand River community in Ontario, Canada. Their primary concern is to help defend their community against colonisation and develop international links in the struggle for indigenous sovereignty. The Haudenosaunee have been living as a Confederacy of nations organised by direct consensual…