Category: People

  • David Papineau

    David Papineau works as Professor of the Philosophy of Science at King’s College London and also Professor of Philosophy at City University of New York. He was elected President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science for 1993-5, of the Mind Association for 2009-10 and of the Aristotelian Society for 2013-4. He has…

  • Estelle Orrelle

    Estelle Orrelle has a background in history and Near Eastern Archaeology and has taken part in many prehistoric excavations in Israel. Her Ph.D. dissertation (now being completed at the University of East London) focuses on the iconography of the earliest figurines to appear after the end of the Ice Ages in the Neolithic of the…

  • Yasmine Musharbash

    Yasmine Musharbash is Senior Lecturer in the School of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Australian National University. She has been conducting participant observation-based research in central Australia since the mid-1990s. Her work is broadly concerned with everyday relations, and she has explored this by focussing on embodiments and the emotions (studying grief, boredom, sleep, the…

  • Rajko Muršič

    Professor Rajko Muršič is a specialist in urban anthropology and especially the anthropology of popular music. His fieldwork has been conducted in Slovenia, Poland, Macedonia and Japan. He is a member of Sensotra, a European Research Council-funded project at the University of Eastern Finland.

  • Bruce Rimell

    Bruce Rimell is an artist, born in Swindon, but now living in Shipley. He has said of the mythological influences on his work: ‘I’ve been reading mythology since I was a kid and it has become the ruling passion of my life, contributing a great deal of inspiration to my art. For me, the technical…

  • Martin Richards

    Martin Richards studies variation in gene frequencies to reconstruct the routes taken by our distant palaeolithic ancestors as they dispersed out of Africa to settle in Asia and Europe between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago. With Hans-Jürgen Bandelt and Vincent Macaulay, he co-edited ‘Mitochondrial DNA and the Evolution of Homo Sapiens’ (Springer-Verlag, 2006).

  • Milan Rai

    Milan Rai is a longstanding anti-war activist and writer. He is the author of several books including Chomsky’s Politics (Verso, 1995), the only monograph on the subject, and 7/7: The London Bombings, Islam and the Iraq War (Pluto, 2006). He has been co-editor of Peace News since 2007.

  • Kate Prendergast

    Kate Prendergast gained her Ph.D in Archaeology at the University of Oxford. She has published in British Archaeological Reports, Archaeopress, 3rd Stone and Science & Spirit magazine. Her research interests include explorations of prehistoric and indigenous cosmologies and the role of ritual in social continuity and change. She currently works as a Researcher in African…

  • Brian Morris

    Brian Morris is Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at Goldsmith’s College, University of London. Recent books by him include Kropotkin: Politics Of Community (2004, Humanity Press), Insects And Human Life (2004, Berg) and Religion And Anthropology (2006, CUP).

  • Rebekah Pluekhahn

    Rebekah Plueckhahn has researched and worked in Mongolia since 2006 and completed her PhD at the Australian National University in 2013. Having trained in anthropology and ethnomusicology, Rebekah’s doctoral research drew from ethnography conducted in western Mongolia’s Hovd Province on performance, music, value, and perceptions of the future. Since 2014, she has been working as…