Category: People

  • Joe Cain

    Professor Joe Cain is Professor of History and Philosophy of Biology in UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies.

  • Kathleen Bryson

    Born in Utqiaġvik, Alaska and raised on the Kenai Peninsula, Kathleen Bryson received her PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology from UCL in 2017, and previously was awarded her MA in Independent Film from what is now UAL, with two BA degrees in Anthropology and Swedish, respectively, from the University of Washington. She additionally studied a year…

  • Dasa Bombjakova

    Daša Bombjaková is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Comenius University Bratislava and a chief state adviser at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on science and education evaluation. Recently, she has been elected President of the Slovak Association of Social Anthropologists – major aim of this NGO is…

  • Matthew Doyle

    Based in the Department of Anthropology at Sussex University, Matthew Doyle is conducting fieldwork in Bolivia with a special focus on political activism and indigenous rights.

  • Daiara Tukano

    Daiara Tukano, of the Tukano indigenous nation of the Upper Rio Negro, is an indigenous activist and artist. With a Masters Degree in human rights at the University of Brasilia, she is a researcher on the right to memory and truth of indigenous peoples. She is an independent communicator and coordinator of Radio Yandê, the…

  • Frederique Darragon

    Frederique Darragon is an economist by training who has spent many years in rural China and Tibet. Since 1998, she has been researching the extraordinary ancient skyscrapers that are found in Kham. She is Professor Honoris at Causa at Sichuan University.

  • Rosalyn Bold

    Rosalyn Bold is currently a Research Associate at the Center for the Anthropology of Sustainability (CAOS), University College London.

  • Julien d’Huy

    Julien d’Huy, of the Pantheon–Sorbonne University in Paris, is pioneering the use of evolutionary theory and computer modeling to compare and analyze magical myths and folktales.

  • Roger Blench

    Roger Blench is an anthropologist and linguist, working as a consultant on sociological aspects of rural development. His other interests include archaeology and ethnomusicology. He has conducted fieldwork in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and most recently the Brazilian Amazon. He is currently Chief Research Officer of the Kay Williamson Educational Foundation and an academic visitor…

  • Nurit Bird-David

    Nurit Bird-David is Professor in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Haifa in Israel, and past president of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Her PhD in Social Anthropology is from Cambridge University. She was a graduate of Trinity College, and research fellow in New Hall. Her major specialization is in hunter-gatherer studies, doing fieldwork with a…